07814 008478 info@coppicehr.com

Coppice HR

HR News

The Importance of HR

HR has always been crucial to the success of businesses and the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted its importance.

The following three quotes confirm how the pandemic has affected our daily lives, our working environment and the standing of HR in some organisations:

  • ‘The COVID-19 pandemic has imposed a tremendous cost on people’s lives and livelihoods, and it has forced businesses to adjust rapidly and survive.’ (Bryan Hancock, McKinsey Senior Partner)
  • ‘Keep them well; keep them employed, and keep them mentally healthy.’ (UN Deputy-Secretary-General Amina J. Mohammed)
  • ‘Important that decisions to make redundancies are taken as a last resort.’ (Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development)

HR is involved in all aspects of the business, and unfortunately, short-time, furlough, redundancies and even closure are on many business owner’s schedules at the moment. These actions require professional HR support and, if not done correctly, could have a dramatic effect on both the finances of the Company and creditability of the leadership. There may even be other more positive options to consider…….

Coppice HR provides cost-effective, professional HR support that SMEs require at this difficult time. Contact Paul at Coppice HR (paul@coppicehr.com, 07814 008478 or www.coppicehr.com) to discuss further and put a plan in place.

“You Do The Business, We Do The HR”



