Coppice HR
HR Health CheckGive Your Business A Coppice HR Health Check

Why should you outsource you HR to us:
Saving You Time : we work efficiently and save you time which you can spend focusing on your business duties while we take care of the HR.
Excellent Communication : we pride ourselves in prioritising clear communication between all parties to ensure everyone is on the same page.
We Have Outstanding Experience & Knowledge : We have extensive knowledge and years of experience so you know you can trust us to take care of your HR.
Reasonable Costs : We always ensure our services are reasonably priced, we work on a fixed fee basis, one-off consultations or more economical pre-paid advice on a rolling basis.
Effective Human Resources increases productivity, reduces corporate risk, measures performance, removes complexity and improves workplace culture.
Answer these HR questions either ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to gain an overview of your current HR Health!
- Do you issue Contracts of Employment to employees either on or before their start date?
- Do you check that people joining your business have the right to live and work in the UK?
- Do you have up to date job descriptions for all of the roles in your business?
- Have your employees signed a GDPR Employee Agreement?
- Do you have an Employee Handbook? Has it been reviewed in the past 12 months?
- Do you have written disciplinary and grievances procedures that reflect the ACAS Code of Practice?
- Do your employees know the Company’s aims and objectives and are these directly linked to their key responsibilities?
- Are you confident that your policies and procedures comply with legislation e.g. disability, maternity, paternity, flexible working etc.?
- Are you confident about the use of social media in the organisation?
- Do you record the number of days lost due to sickness absence and the financial cost this can have to your business?
- Do you have a clear procedure for dealing with poor performance?
- Are all of your employees aware of your Equal Opportunities Policy?
- Is there a recognition scheme in place for rewarding employees who go the extra mile?
- Do you have both 2-way formal and informal communication with your staff?
- Do you know that if you lose at a tribunal the compensation awarded could be increased by up to 25% if you failed to follow a fair process?
Coppice HR provides a detailed audit that helps determine the effectiveness of your HR, assesses the legal compliance and provides cost-effective business solutions.