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HR News

4 Ways the Paralympics Can Inspire Change in Your Workplace

With the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games having wrapped up last weekend, we witnessed 4,400 athletes from around the world competing at the highest level, overcoming unique challenges to achieve excellence.

The Games not only showcased incredible athletic feats but also provided important lessons on inclusion, diversity, and resilience—lessons that employers can apply to create more inclusive workplaces.

As we reflect on the fact that 46% of disabled people in the UK are not in work, and with a 28% disability employment gap, there’s a clear opportunity for employers to make meaningful changes.

Here are 4 key takeaways from the Paralympics that can help drive better inclusion for disabled employees:

  • Disabilities Are Diverse
    Just like Paralympians, disabled employees have different needs. It’s important to offer individualised support, as one person’s requirements may differ from another’s, even if they share the same condition.
  • Challenging Stereotypes
    Paralympians prove that disabled individuals can achieve great things. Employers should focus on abilities, not limitations and challenge any preconceived notions about what disabled employees can accomplish.
  • Small Adjustments Make a Big Difference
    Simple, reasonable adjustments in the workplace—similar to those made in Paralympic sports—can have a huge impact. These changes don’t have to be expensive but can unlock an employee’s full potential.
  • Work Together for Inclusive Success
    Just like coaches support athletes, employers should work closely with disabled employees to create an inclusive environment. Tailored support leads to long-term success.The Paralympic Games have once again broken barriers and changed perceptions around disability. Now, it’s up to employers to carry this momentum forward and implement these lessons in their organisations.

By embracing inclusion and accessibility, companies can create a more equitable environment where all employees have the opportunity to succeed.

Let’s build on the spirit of the Paralympics and make our workplaces more inclusive for everyone.

If you feel your business needs HR support get in contact by emailing paul@coppicehr.com or calling 07814 008478.  

