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HR News

4 Strategies for Maintaining Employee Productivity During the Summer Season

Employee productivity can decrease by as much as 20% during the Summer season, this can be crucial for your organisation’s success.

The lead-up to summer and the countdown to the schools breaking up for summer leads to an influx of annual leave requests. While it’s natural for productivity to dip during the summer months, HR professionals know the importance of keeping the team focused and engaged.

Maintaining employee productivity during this period is crucial for the success of any organisation. To boost employee productivity during the summer season, we’ve outlined below four effective strategies for keeping your team focused, even amidst the distractions of daydreaming about beach days. 

4 Strategies for Maintaining Employee Productivity During the Summer Season

1. Offer Flexible Scheduling – Consider offering flexible working hours (if you don’t already) to enable employees to adjust start and finish times. Employees can create a schedule that accommodates personal needs such as time outside and family time, leading to increased productivity. 

2. Encourage Work-Life Balance – Encourage employees to have time off to recharge and spend quality time with friends and family during the Summer months, especially time outside.  Remind employees that a well-rested and rejuvenated team is more productive in the long run.

3. Set Clear Expectations – Clearly communicate company goals and performance expectations with a roadmap for priorities and deadlines to help employees stay focused during the summer months, especially when employees are taking time out of office for annual leave. 

4. Provide Development Opportunities – Keep your employees engaged with opportunities to learn with workshops, training sessions and courses that will help to engage and motivate employees.  

Maintaining productivity during the summer season requires taking a proactive approach, by implementing these four strategies – from offering flexible scheduling to emphasising work-life balance – you can help keep your team focused, motivated, and productive throughout the warmer months. With the right support and guidance, your employees can enjoy the summer season while still achieving their professional goals. If you need professional and experienced HR support contact Paul at Coppice HR (paul@coppicehr.com or 07814 008478).
