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The Individual Costs Of Mental Health

The Individual Costs Of Mental Health

Coppice HR HR News The Individual Costs Of Mental Health Mental health problems are all too common in the workplace and it is the leading cause of sickness absence.According to UNUM, 70 million work days are lost each year due to mental health problems in the UK,...
Time To Take A Break

Time To Take A Break

Coppice HR HR News Time To Take A Break The working environment is usually stressful and extremely busy, but time out to go for a brief walk around the block may be beneficial in the long-term. A few minutes ‘me time’ can be enough to de-stress.Research has proven...
The Importance Of Tea Breaks

The Importance Of Tea Breaks

Coppice HR HR News The Importance Of Tea Breaks Tea breaks are seen by many as a British workplace institution and part of the ‘this is how we do things around here’. However, are times changing in the increasingly fast-paced environment?According to...
Does Being ‘On-Call’ Count As ‘Working Time’?

Does Being ‘On-Call’ Count As ‘Working Time’?

Coppice HR HR News Does Being ‘On-Call’ Count As ‘Working Time’? An employee who works outside of the standard working environment can sometimes cause employers to question if they are making the correct HR decisions.It is not uncommon for employees to be...